The Red Jackal Carnage provides a powerful motion unlike anything MOTIV has ever made before. It packs even more hook potential than the original Jackal with unparalleled control and continuation. The strength of the pearl Jackal is now amplified in a solid!
Tuned with a 3000 Grit LSS finish, the new Coercion™ XFS Reactive cover from MOTIV produces monster traction in heavy oil with a round, smooth shape down lane that gives you power and control. The Jackal Carnage is a beast!
The asymmetric Predator core at the heart of the Red Jackal Carnage is a proven performer. Its low RG and high differential give you confidence that your ball will always read the pattern, even in a flood of oil. And the .015 intermediate differential allows the ball driller to fine tune track flare and ball motion.
Because the Jackal Carnage is so strong, it is an easy choice for bowlers that have high ball speed or low revs. It just flat out hooks! For tournament bowlers, it is an obvious fit for fresh high volume patterns.
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